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Mountain Ridge

My Journey Before NMH

Resilience before my time at NMH means a lot of different things. From having to immigrate to the United States by myself at the age of 13, to becoming the first person in my family to attend college, to double majoring in physics and philosophy and exploring the endless sea of options that I never knew existed. Here, you will get to see a sample of the work that are products of some of those experiences.

Early Adolescent: Educational Autobiography 


In this excerpt of my educational autobiography, you will read about my experience in the Chinese public school system from grades 4 to 7. You will learn about the historical, political, and cultural contexts regarding education at the time, and my takeaways. I claim that 4th to 7th grades in China was the major turning point in my life at the time as a student, and highlight my resilience during that time.




Educational Autobiography Reflection 


Later in the summer of 2021, I reflected on my educational autobiography to further my thinking on how my experience with schooling informs my ideals about teaching today. I also provide a bit of existing literature to reinforce my claims on education.





Classroom Vision Board 

In the summer of 2021, right before I started teaching at Northfield Mount Hermon School, I drafted my classroom vision board as seen on the right. My classroom visions were, at the time, an obvious product of the kind of education and socialization that I had been exposed to as a student. Some of the themes persisted till now, and are incorporated into my inquiry project research. 













Some Work from Undergrad


At Lafayette College, I pursued a dual degree in physics and philosophy. I graduated with an B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in Philosophy. I conducted research on the astrophysics of millisecond pulsars during the summer of my sophomore year. Here's the poster I presented: 



During my junior year, I became increasingly obsessed with philosophy. I presented my paper on the metaphysics of causation at the Moravian Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. You can read the paper here: 



Finally, throughout my senior year, I conducted research that combines my interest in physics and philosophy. The final product is an honors thesis concerning the use and epistemology of thought experiments in the development of modern physics. You can read about my thesis here: 





Read about my experience teaching and learning about teaching at the Northfield Mount Hermon School next:

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